Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Karis' New Hiding Spot

So tonight Karis and I were playing around the house. I stopped into the office to do some bill paying (yuck), and Karis decided that she was going to play as well. This is how the evening went.

Karis is being a little ham (totally unusual for her:)). I swear as soon as the camera comes out so do the smiles.

Karis decided that her new favorite toy was the laundry hamper. I almost died when I saw her crawling in. The best part was once she got in there she tried to pull the lid shut, like it was her secret hiding spot. I swear...forget the expensive stuff. Karis finds more enjoyment out of walking around the house with her socks.

Here she figured out that the secret spot wasn't so secret since Dad came in and started to joke with her.
After Dad left though, I think that she thought that she could fool him. They play hide and seek sometimes. Really Nick counts and Karis giggles when he says "Ready or not. Here I come". So I think that she is playing with him.

She looks like a prisoner....or a puppy in a kennel. (No one was harmed in the filming of this picture)

I swear she got the biggest kick out of her little fort. I was laughing so hard. She started to bring her toys in there and really make it her own.

1 comment:

Brittany said...

That is so cute and funny! She is a total ham!! I love that smile though! And P.S.-- I'm loving the bright pink hamper!!